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All you need to know about Greek myths!!

Tuesday 14 February 2012

An intro to the gods

Hello, this is my first blog and I am going to tell you about Greek mythology.
There are many Greek gods such as Zeus, Poseidon & Hades. These are the big three gods (the most powerful ones)
These are the gods and what they are gods of:

The Olympians
  1. Zeus, God of gods
  2. Poseidon, God of earthquakes, horses, oceans & storms
  3. Hades,  god of the dead, wealth and the Underworld
  4. Athena, goddess of wisdom, useful arts, defence and battle strategy
  5. Hermes, god of roads, messengers, travel, thieves & merchants
  6. Aphrodite, Goddess of beauty, love, grace, desire & pleasure
  7. Hera,  Goddess of air, marriage, motherhood, and women. 
  8. Ares, God of war
  9. Apollo,  god of the sun, healing, disease, music, poetry, archery, truth and oracles.
  10. Dionysus, god of wine
  11. Demeter, Goddess of harvest and agriculture
  12. Artemis, Goddess of the hunt, the moon, maidens, animals & archery
  13. Hephaestus, Greek god of forges, fire, technology, craftsmen, artisans, sculptors, metals, metallurgy, volcanoes, blacksmiths, hammers, Stonemasonry, and armourer to the gods.
These are all of the major gods.

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