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All you need to know about Greek myths!!

Wednesday 3 October 2012


God of : forges, fire, technology, craftsmen, artisans, sculptors, metals, metallurgy, volcanoes, blacksmiths, hammers, Stone masonry, and armourer to the gods.
Roman name :Vulcan
Family:Zeus(father), Hera(Mother)
Strengths:creative, cunning, and an able metal worker
Symbols:The forge and fire

This is Hephaestus


Goddess of: the harvest and agriculture
Roman Name: Ceres
Family: Zeus(Father),Rhea(Mother),Persephone(Daughter)
Strengths:gives life after death to those who learn her Mysteries.
Symbols:An ear of wheat and the Horn of Plenty (Cornucopia).

This is Demeter


Goddess of: the hunt,the moon,maidens,animals & archery
Roman name: Diana
Family: Zeus (Father), Leto (Mother), Apollo(Brother)
Strengths: Physically strong
Symbol:Her bow, which she uses to hunt, and her hounds

This is Artemis

Sunday 11 March 2012


Name: Apollo
God of: sun, healing, disease, music, poetry, archery, truth and oracles
Roman name: Apollo
Family: Zeus (Father), Leto (Mother), Artemis (Sister)
Strengths: Creative and handsome
Symbol: The sun/the lyre 
This is Apollo


Name: Dionysus
god of: Wine
Roman name: Bacchus
Family: Zeus (Father), Semele (Mother), Ariadne (Wife)
Strengths: Dionysus is the creator of wine. He shakes things up when it gets dull.
symbol: Grapes, wine cups, and wine skins.
This is Dionysus

Tuesday 6 March 2012


Name: Ares 
God of: war
Roman name: Mars
Family: Zeus (Father), Hera (Mother)
Strengths: Decisive, determined, fearless
Symbol: The Spear
This is Ares

Monday 27 February 2012


Name: Hera
Goddess of: air, marriage, motherhood, and women. 
Roman name: Juno
Family: Kronos (Father), Rhea(Mother), Zeus (husband)
Strengths: Determined defender.
Symbol: The peacock.
This is Hera